
Wolf Gap Hike

While it is hard to believe this right now... 2 weekends ago we had beautiful weather!  It has been really cold and snowy here these past few days, but a few weeks ago we decided to enjoy the welcomed change in weather by getting outdoors.  We ventured off to Wolf Gap Recreation Area in the George Washington National Forest.  The hike Jesse chose took us to the Big Schloss Overlook with beautiful views of the Virginia and West Virginia mountains!  There was still a little bit of snow on the trail from a few weeks ago.  The hike started out pretty steep, but then after about a mile we were on the ridge for the rest of the way to the overlook.  This is some of the best "bang for your buck" hiking because you pretty much have amazing views the entire time! 

T man took a snooze on the way back to the car.  Can you imagine sleeping like this??

Our options for post-hike food was fast food or Cracker Barrel so we decided to throw down with some breakfast!  We got some green beans and mac&cheese for Turner and he thought it was the bomb.  Yum.  Love me some Cracker Barrel. 

Alrighty well that is all for today! Back to cold weather and 'freezing drizzle'... what is that anyways Weather Service?  Whatever it is, Jesse was able to telework today because of it. Score!


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