I am so terribly embarrased at how long it has been since I have blogged. Somewhere in the move, I have lost my camera, so maybe I feel like if I can't "show" you my life, then I can't write about it, but that is so not true!
Let's catch you up..... since I last blogged, Jesse's schoolwork has taken off, Maggie is getting bigger by the day (18 lbs!), and I have started a new job! I never thought that I would leave Mississippi In Motion, but Jesse was randomly checking the MSU job site, and noticed there was a position available as an Admissions Counselor for State! I was a Roadrunner with the Office of Admissions and Scholarships as an undergrad and absolutely loved it. I had always thought being an Admissions Counselor would be the best job ever, so when we found it available, I HAD to apply! Well, I applied on a Monday, had an inteview the next Thursday, and was offered the job the following Monday. I never really told anyone that I was applying for it, because really, it was so random and I had no clue whether I would get it or not.
The same day I was offered the job, I had to tell my current boss that I would be leaving. That was one of the hardest things I've EVER had to do! Once I told her, though, I felt so much better and could finally be excited and share with the world the news! Sorry if you found out on Facebook.
Well, fastforward 3 weeks: I started as an Admissions Counselor this Monday and boy has this week been CRAZY! Highlights from my first week:
Monday: I wasn't exactly sure what people in the office wore, so I thought I would be a little bit dressy and wear high heels. Well, Erron Flowers and I made our way over to the Sanderson Center to meet a group of 9th graders to give them a bus tour of campus. When we get there, we were told that they wanted a walking tour, not a bus tour. GREAT! I'm wearing heels. So, first day on the job, I walked around the entire campus of MSU in heels. I still have huge blisters on my feet to prove it. I changed shoes at lunch and will never wear heels to work again, bc knowing my luck, the time I do will be the random day that someone wants a walking tour.
Tuesday: One of Dees Murphy's family members passed away and took a few days off, so Meredith Clifton and I had to cover her college fairs. I got to work at 6 am so we could travel and be at all of the college fairs this day. Talked to hundreds of students about coming to MSU and stayed the night in Tupelo. **I bought the cutest maroon lamp for my office!**
Wednesday: Ready to go at 6 am for another full day of college fairs! Made it back to Stark later that evening.
Thursday and Friday: These days were fairly normal.. sat in on meetings with families and learned a lot about admissions requirements and all that good stuff!
Needless to say, I am LOVING my job!!! (P.S. I get to work with Lindsay Sistrunk... be jealous.) Most weeks won't be as crazy as this one has been. I should be traveling maybe 1-2 days a week and will be in the office meeting with families the rest of the time. I love Mississippi State- always have!- and I love getting to talk with high schoolers about choosing MSU for college. :) I also love working in such a fun office surrounded by such great people! It is such a blessing.
So, in other news, Jesse is currently in Atlanta for a class trip. He is going to IKEA this morning to get bookshelves for our living room! He gets back sometime this afternoon. I'm pumped about these bookshelves, because once we load them up, we should have NO MORE BOXES left in the house! Wooo Hooooo! I promise, as soon as it gets finished and I can find my camera, I will do a house picture post!
We are looking to join a sunday school class at First Pres and are really excited about it! We love First Pres and love being involved in the church body. We are both still very active with the college ministry, Intermission, and Jesse is leading worship on Sept 26! It's so great to have a church home to serve in and among other believers. My pilates class at church is still doing good - hoping to have some new people join the class this week. Also, this week kicked off leadership team meeting and Thursday night bible study. Love my church!
I guess that is most of the news recently in the English household... final tidbits: Still training for the half marathon...slowly but surely! It will be here before I know it. Went on a run with JP Corhern this morning. We have had our first houseguests: Becca and Brian Page, my parents, Kyle Lynch, BJ Wilson and his friend (sorry friend- I can't remember your name), and Kaylan Norman. Looking forward to adding more of you on that list this football season! Oh! Kelley and I took Maggie to the dog partk for the first time last night and she LOVED it. I forsee many trips there in the future. She played for an hour and had a ball.
I guess that is about it for now. Go Dawgs tonight! Beat LSU!
Love you all! Sorry again for the belated post. I will do better!
Congratulations A.C.! I bet you will be a great counselor! It is cool to see how God provides and I really appreciate your updates on 1st Pres. I miss that place so much. I super stoked to hear that you and Jesse are continuing to "follow hard after Him". Be blessed and Geaux Tigers!